Rofea on erikoistunut RF -lähetyskenttään, joka on viimeisin RF -optisten kuitujen siirtotuotteiden sarjan lanseeraus. RF -kuitujen lähetysmoduuli moduloi suoraan analogia. RF signal to the optical transceiver, transmits it through the optical fiber to the receiving end, and then converts it into an RF signal after photoelectric conversion. The products cover L, S, X, Ku and other frequency bands, using compact metal casting shell, good electromagnetic interference resistance, wide working band, good flatness in the band, mainly used in microwave delay line multimotion antenna, repeater station, satellite ground station and other fields.
Rofea on erikoistunut RF -lähetyskenttään, joka on viimeisin RF -optisten kuitujen siirtotuotteiden sarjan lanseeraus. RF -kuitujen lähetysmoduuli moduloi suoraan analogia. RF signal to the optical transceiver, transmits it through the optical fiber to the receiving end, and then converts it into an RF signal after photoelectric conversion. The products cover L, S, X, Ku and other frequency bands, using compact metal casting shell, good electromagnetic interference resistance, wide working band, good flatness in the band, mainly used in microwave delay line multimotion antenna, repeater station, satellite ground station and other fields.